Infinite Body Studio
3 day Bespoke creative ceremony
into the soul, soma and story
of your work
I am a creative midwife, dancer, dreamer and barefoot story weaver
I committed to my soul path young and it has taken me on a wild ride. At age 16 I began to attune to a deep calling to learn about collective trauma. This led to academic study and two political science degree's later, although I had a strong knowledge of human social systems, something essential was missing
My soul's work, shifted through personal trauma and ancestral healing and over the course of a few years I learned that my true life's purpose is to transmute collective trauma through embodiment and art. At this time I committed to developing a creative practice and business that would enable me to prioritize this deep soul calling.
I have worked with over 100 women, supporting them to connect to their authentic expression and to liberate their truth through art and embodiment.
I am committed to helping femme leaders and visionaries see themselves as the powerful vessels for healing and liberation that they are.
Our world needs the beauty of your truth more than ever.
Of all the paths I have walked, it is beside the wild hearted women passionately pursuing their gifts, that brings me the most joy.
From each cycle and season of death, birth, and renewal- inner and outer- there comes an opportunity to sit with the Deep Self and to renew our relationship to what brings us alive, to listen to what calls to us from the Mystery, and to align with that which moves us from the core of our being into the un-known future.
The purpose of this offering is to support you - soul entrepreneur, visionary artist, and community leader, within an enriching, nourishing and generative (as well as trauma-informed) space to renew and deepen your relationship to your sacred purpose.
creation through body and soul
Working with the energy of seasons, we spiral journey into your life's purpose through embodiment practice, exploring the alchemical terrain of soul, soma, and story.
Each day is a deepening into the the emergent process of life (growth, expansion) as well as death (letting go, releasing).
By the end of these three days you will feel a deeper embodied relationship to your purpose and offerings, a deeply nourished and resilient nervous system and creatively vibrant and alive brand identity.
You will also receive a fertile garden of creative content/embodiment art for sharing your work with the world.
Your Naked Truth
Our quest for belonging is seeded in alienation from our soul, our bodies, and our stories. In our purpose-driven work, the origins of our estrangement can also be felt. To experience true belonging, we must begin to reweave soul, soma, and story into our work
Day 1: Soul
What has your soul revealed to you in the last few years of your life? What wisdom is your Soul currently making available to you? How is your Soul currently speaking to you? How do you honour Soul in your work?
In this first day of our work together, I will support you to cultivate a deeper embodied relationship with the language of your Soul so that you can root into a deep trust as you expand your capacity to receive and offer more.
You will deepen your commitments to your soul's work and learn to be in the mystery of what is emerging on your path.
Soul work is an emergent process that guides you into your unexpressed potential. The work is never done and we have different seasons and cycles.
Day 3: story
What has your body revealed to you in the last few years of your life? What wisdom is your Soma currently making available to you? How is your Soma currently speaking to you? How do you honour Soma in your work?
Enter into the wild with me. Over the course of the day we will expand our soul and soma work from the days before into the emerge story of your work. We will begin the day with an embodied storytelling ritual before a full day ritual photoshoot.
Wordrobe options will be provided and you will be taken to a series of secret magical locations throughout the Cowichan Valley.
Day 2: Soma
What has your body revealed to you in the last few years of your life? What wisdom is your Soma currently making available to you? How is your Soma currently speaking to you? How do you honour Soma in your work?
In day 2 we begin to deepen into soma. You begin to develop a relationship with your body as a gateway into the soul of your work. What possibilities opens up to you?
Feeling your body through somatic practice lessons the grip of the ego and mind and you are able to find your authentic truth with greater ease.
By end of day 2 you I will have cultivated a deeper relationship with the language of your Soma so that you can feel your own path through the transforming world.
Body work included.
"Lost pieces of soul have a way of gathering inside the shaky, empty, numb, and tender places of our embodied experience. This is their home, the temple where they dwell as they await reunion. The dissociated ones of psyche and soma find a place in the forest to wait, where they long to return when conditions are ripe. It is love that is the ripening, alchemical substance.
what is included
Accommodation +Food
A private room in a stunning artists house, Sacred Mountain Studio is a rare gem. Here you will not only have a private room and onsuite bathroom but full access to large living room, kitchen and yard. Tuns of space to move and reflect with quick access to nature trails.
During day 1+2 you will reeive 3 hours of 1-1 soul and embodiment coaching (per day) as it relates to the work you are birthing in the world. During these sessions you will received focused care and attention as you explore what is alive in your expanding field of awareness.
Image and Film Gallery
On day three we will spend the whole day in creation and a variety of stunning locations. Included in this ofer is a gallery of 3o images and a 3 minute art film. Additional content can be purchased but this package is an epic expression of your soul's transmission that can be used to promote a wide variety of your existing and yet birthed offerings.
This price is meant for folks who would find enrolling in this retreat at full price to be a sacrifice, but it would not create true hardship. Due to the limited number of these offerings, there is only 2 reduced spots available.
Payments plans available
Full Priced
This is the actual cost of retreat, and is meant for folks who can comfortably meet all of their basic needs (food, housing, transportation, medical care), and who have expendable income. You may be paying off debt or working to build savings, but you also have access to steady income.
Payments plans available
This is our "pay it forward" option, where the extra money you pay helps to support the folks on the lower end of the sliding scale. You can think of this price as an opportunity to both join us and to support your fellow community members while you're at it. You are able to pay for "wants" and spend little time worrying about securing necessities in your life.
Mapping Your Season of Soul Experience
Each soul has its own unique journey. This offering is a container to hold a right of passage as you recover your soul life. The following is a map of where you can expect to journey to, the themes that will be touched in a way that is totally unique to you. You may stay the whole journey in one spot on the Spiral, if that is what you need. There is no saying, but here is glimpe of the terrain that is available.
Vow of Remembrance
Spiral of Soul
Making Sanctuary
Shadow Space
Becoming Our Longing
Contacting the Deep Self
Creative Courage
Soul is a person's unique purpose or mythopoetic identity...revealed and expressed through symbol, metaphor, image, dream, archetype and myth.
Bill Plotkin, Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche
The (he)art of soma
Why somatic work?
Recovering our basic, inborn body" writes Buddhist teacher Reginald Ray has "profound implications for healing the self, mending our broken relationships, restoring healthy relating to our world, seen and unseen, and healing the planet." Somatic practice orients us to our purpose in a profound way as we are able to unfold deeper into our personal, interpersonal and communal body.
What has your body revealed to you in the last few years of your life? What wisdom is your Soma currently making available to you? How is your Soma currently speaking to you? How do you honour Soma in your daily practice?
These are just some of the questions that will guide you.
Mapping Your Season of Soma
Each body has its own unique journey. This offering is a container to hold a right of passage as you recover your somatic wisdom. The following is a map of where you can expect to journey to, the themes that will be touched in a way that is totally unique to you. You may stay the whole journey in one spot on the Spiral, if that is what you need. There is no saying, but here is glimpe of the terrain that is available.
Ritual Rhythms of Response
Spiral of Soma
Moving Sanctuary
Sensuous Encounters
Inside the Earth
Mythic Body
Primacy of the Primal
When we tune into our belonging with all things, there is a similarly combined urge to both succeed at life and to make our life an offering unto the common
Toko-pa Turner, Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home